Career Profile
Science is a subject that deeply fascinates me. I take pleasure in exploring scientific dilemmas from various viewpoints and approaches.
My passion fuels my eagerness to acquire unconventional and multifarious skills, which enables me to broaden my understanding
My research methodologies typically involve robust mathematical and statistical techniques, complemented by advanced learning algorithms to produce effective solutions.
Research Assistance
Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laboratories (RAI Labs)
As a member of the Center of Virtual Imaging Trials (CVIT), my goal is to enhance the quality of medical images through virtual acquisition.
By utilizing virtual patients and scanners, we can gather enough training datasets and target references without jeopardizing patient privacy or well-being.
At CVIT, I concentrate on refining the protocol selection guidelines to improve radiologist image evaluation.
I have also created physics-informed Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to minimize image variability caused by scanning processes from various centers/systems.
Additionally, I've developed automated pipelines that extract relevant biomarkers to enable precise and reliable quantification of medical images.
Technologies Used: Machine Learning, Polynomial Optimization, Deep Learning, Data Science, Python, Pytorch, Yalmip, Gorubi, Matlab
Cyber Physical Security Lab (CPSL)
I focus on the importance of safety-critical systems, such as medical devices or autonomous vehicles, as they directly impact human well-being.
With the ever-evolving technologies embedded in these systems, each component plays a crucial role in ensuring the final outcome is safe and reliable.
Through my research, I specialize in creating stochastic model-checking algorithms specifically designed for learning-enabled systems like robots, vehicles, and power systems.
These algorithms assess whether a complex system can meet the desired specifications and rely on a unique stochastic model checking approach to gauge the system's reliability within a given confidence interval.
Technologies Used: Python, Matlab, Webots, Gazebo, ROS
Human and Robot Interation Lab (TaarLab)
Controlling autonomous vehicles requires a combination of human and intelligence units. Thus, such systems face a number of challenges, including
controlling the mobile device smoothly, avoiding obstacles in dynamic environments, and combining sensory data so that the most useful and informative
information is used to make a proper decision. For my master's thesis, I developed several obstacle avoidance algorithms and developed a design criteria
to synthesize the anti-oscillation controllers. Additionally, designing real-world robots and working with real commercial robots helps me to develop data
fusion algorithms that preprocess sensory data and use them for more accurate system feedback.
Technologies Used: Matlab, Gazebo, ROS, C++, Gorubi
Medical Imaging 2022, Physics of Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging 2022, Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
Medical Imaging 2021, Physics of Medical Imaging
Medical imaging 2021, Physics of medical imaging
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
Mechanism and Machine Theory
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Graduate Student Association of Iranians at Duke
As a board member, my duties involved promoting Iranian culture, art, and literature to various groups at Duke University.
I also strived to create a safe and supportive space for Iranian students to express their concerns, accomplishments, and feedback about their experiences at Duke.
Over the past three years, our community has successfully organized more than 60 events, which would have been impossible without the enthusiastic participation and dedication of our Duke members and officers.
Co-funder/Board member
Literature and cultural center of the NST department at UT